Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Worst Case Scenario

1. Asking Hillary to steer foreign policy at State
2. Reversing Mexico City
3. Requiring tax funding for abortion-harvested stem cells
4. Boosting abortion businesses with a $457 million stimulus package
5. Picking Dawn Johnsen, NARAL shill, for Assistant Attorney General
6. Nominating Tim Kaine for DNC
7. Tapping Michael Schiavo attorney, Thomas Perrelli for Justice
8. Choosing James Steinberg for Deputy Secretary of State
9. Picking David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General
10. Going on a $410 billion porkalooza spending spree
11. Nominating Kathleen Sebelius for HHS

1 comment:

J.R. Dokkestul said...

People have very "sound" opinions, for example: In working for the uncertain; in sailing on the sea; in walking the plank.