Friday, January 29, 2010

Favorite Non-Fiction of 2009

1. Infinity of Lists by Umberto Eco
2. The White Horse King by Ben Merkel
3. Churchill by Paul Johnson
4. Reflections on the Revolution: Islam and the West by Christopher Caldwell
5. Free by Chris Anderson
6. Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology by Burk Parsons, editor
7. Why Architecture Matters by Paul Goldberger
8. Planet Narnia by Michael Ward
9. Heroes by Iain Murray
10. The Christian Lover by Michael Haykin
11. Five Cities that Ruled the World by Doug Wilson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great set of lists. But I must point out that despite the fact that your list and that of the New York Times are totally different, they did list (at least) two good books:
Empire of Liberty by Gordon Wood
(Subtitled: A History of the Early Republic)&
A Country of Vast Designs by Robert Merry (Subtitled: James K. Polk, the Mexican War, & the Conquest of the American Continent)

Remember what Spurgeon said about a blind hog?
